Monday, February 7, 2011

Feels Just Like A Death Sentence

Imagine yourself in the middle of the Caribbean on a white sandy beach with the ocean

breeze lightly blowing through your hair, the scent of the big blue salty body of water in

front of you and the juicy burgers sizzling on a bar-b-q, an ice cold beer in your hand, and

not a worry in the world. I know. It sounds pretty nice. Well let me tell you something.

Grade 12 is the complete opposite of that. It’s not like a nice vacation where you can

relax, it’s like walking through a court room being innocent about something and

knowing your getting sentenced 25 to life. Your sitting in class and teachers are

furnishing you with work, your peers are befuddling you so you can’t get your

assignments completed  and handed in on time, all your emotions have gone astray and

right out the door. You feel dead and you feel like you want to just give up. All your

thinking about is getting out of the dark, horrendous, bone-chilling place they

call high school. It may feel like the end of your life to you, and not feel like your

loosening up on a recliner in the Caribbean, but really, grade 12 is the beginning to the

start of your greatest accomplishments.

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